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Terminal Compromise
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Text File
353 lines
By Inter.Pact Press
by Winn Schwartau
A high tech thriller that comes from today's headlines!
"The Tom Clancy of computer security."
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karen Forcht, James Madison University
"Terminal Compromise" is a highly praised novel about the inva-
sion of the United States by computer terrorists.
Since it was first published in conventional print form, (ISBN:
0-962-87000-5) it has sold extremely well world-wide, but then
again, it never hit the New York Times Bestseller List either.
But that's OK, not many do.
Recently, someone we know very well came up with a real bright
idea. They suggested that INTER.PACT Press take the unprece-
dented, and maybe slightly crazy, step to put "Terminal Compro-
mise" on the Global Network thus creating a new category for book
publishers. The idea is to offer "Terminal Compromise," and
perhaps other titles at NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE(tm) rates to
millions of people who just don't spend a lot of time in book-
stores. After discussions with dozens of people - maybe even
more than a hundred - we decided to do just that. We know that
we're taking a chance, but we've been convinced by hackers and
phreakers and corporate types and government representatives that
putting "Terminal Compromise" on the net would be a fabulous step
forward into the Electronic Age, (Cyberspace if you will) and
would encourage other publishers to take advantage of electronic
distribution. (It's still in the bookstores, though.)
To the best of our knowledge, no semi-sorta-kinda-legitimate
-publisher has ever put a complete pre-published 562 page book on
the network as a form of Shareware. So, I guess we're making
news as well as providing a service to the world's electronic
community. The recommended NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE fees are
outlined later (this is how we stay in business), so please read
"Terminal Compromise" is NOT being entered into the public
domain. It is being distributed electronically so hundreds
of thousands more people can enjoy it and understand just where
we are heading with our omnipresent interconnectedness and the
potential dangers we face. INTER.PACT Press maintains all copy-
rights to "Terminal Compromise" and does not, either intentionally
or otherwise, explicitly or implicitly, waive any rights to
this piece of work or recourses deemed appropriate. (Damned
(C) 1991, 1992, 1993, Inter.Pact Press
" . . . a must read . . ."
Digital News
"Schwartau knows about networks and security and creates an
interesting plot that will keep readers turning the pages."
Computer World
"Terminal Compromise is fast-paced and gripping. Schwartau
explains complex technology facilely and without condescension."
Government Computer News
"An incredibly fascinating tale of international intrigue . . .
action . . . characterization . . . deserves attention . . .
difficult to imagine a more comprehensive resource."
PC Laptop
"Schwartau . . . has a definite flair for intrigue and plot
twists. (He) makes it clear that the most important assets at
risk are America's right to privacy and our democratic ideals."
Personal Identification News
"I am all too familiar with the appalling realities in Mr.
Schwartau's book. (A) potentially catastrophic situation."
Chris Goggans, Ex-Legion of Doom Member.
" . . . chilling scenarios . . . ", "For light summer reading
with weighty implications . . . ", " . . . thought provoking,
sometimes chilling . . . "
Remember, it's only fiction. Or is it?
"It's all about the information . . . the information."
From "Sneakers"
Taki Homosoto, silver haired Chairman of Japan's huge OSO Indus-
tries, survived Hiroshima; his family didn't. Homosoto promises
revenge against the United States before he dies. His passion-
ate, almost obsessive hatred of everything American finally comes
to a head when he acts upon his desires.
With unlimited resources, he comes up with the ultimate way to
strike back at the enemy. Miles Foster, a brilliant 33 year old
mathematician apparently isn't exactly fond of America either.
The National Security Agency wanted his skills, but his back-
ground and "family" connections kept him from advancing within the
intelligence community. His insatiable - borderline psychotic-
sex drive balances the intensity of waging war against his own
country to the highest bidder.
Scott Mason, made his fortune selling high tech toys to the
Pentagon. Now as a New York City Times reporter, Mason under-
stands both the good and the evil of technology and discovers
pieces of the terrible plot which is designed to destroy the
economy of the United States.
Tyrone Duncan, a physically huge 50-ish black senior FBI agent
who suffered through the Hoover Age indignities, befriends Scott
Mason. Tyrone provides the inside government track and confusion
from competing agencies to deal with the threats. His altruistic
and somewhat pure innate view of the world finally makes him do
the right thing.
As Homosoto's plan evolves, Arab zealots, German intelligence
agents and a host of technical mercenaries find the weaknesses in
our techno-economic infrastructure. Victims find themselves
under attack by unseen adversaries; Wall Street suffers debili-
tating blows; Ford and Chrysler endure massive shut downs. The
U.S. economy suffers a series of crushing blows.
From the White House to the Pentagon to the CIA to the National
Security Agency and FBI, a complex weaving of fascinating politi-
cal characters find themselves enmeshed a battle of the New World
Order. Sex, drugs, rock'n'roll: Tokyo, Vienna, Paris, Iraq,
Iran. It's all here.
Enjoy reading "Terminal Compromise."
We hope that you enjoy "Terminal Compromise" as much as everyone
else has, and that you will send us a few shekels according to
the following guidelines.
The NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE(tm) fees for us as a publishing
company are no different than the fees for software application
shareware publishers, and the intent is the same. So please, let
us continue this form of publishing in the future.
The suggested donation for individuals is $7. If you hate Termi-
nal Compromise after reading it, then only send $6.50. If you're
really, really broke, then tell a hundred other people how great
it was, send us a rave review and post it where you think others
will enjoy reading it, too. If you're only a little broke, send
a few dollars. After all, this is how we stay in business. With
each registration, we will also send a FREE! issue of "Security
Insider Report," a monthly security newsletter also published by
Inter.Pact Press.
We hope that you put "Terminal Compromise" on your internal
networks so that your employees will have the chance to enjoy it
as well. It's a great way to increase security awareness amongst
this country's 50,000,000 rank and file computer users. Plus,
it's a hell of a good read.
One company plans on releasing a chapter every few days
throughout its E-Mail system as a combination of security aware-
ness and employee 'perc'. Try it; it works and your employees
will appreciate it. Why? Because they'll all talk about it -
bringing security awareness to the forefront of discussion.
Distribution for up to 100 people on a single network: $ 500
(Includes 1 Year subscription to "Security Insider Report.")
Distribution for up to 1000 people on a single network: $ 3000
(Includes 10 1 Year subscriptions to "Security Insider
Distribution for up to 2500 people on a single network: $ 6250
(Includes 1 Year electronic Corporate site license to
"Security Insider Report.")
Distribution for up to 5000 people on a single network: $ 10000
(Includes 1 Year electronic Corporate site license to
"Security Insider Report.")
Distribution for up to 10000 people on a single network: $ 15000
(Includes 1 Year electronic Corporate site license to
"Security Insider Report.")
Distribution for up to 25000 people on a single network: $ 25000
(Includes 1 Year electronic Corporate site license to
"Security Insider Report.")
Distribution for more than that - Please call and we'll figure it
out. Would you like us to coordinate a special distribution
program for you? Would you like in Postscript or other visual
formats? Give us a call and we'll see what we can do.
* * * * * * * * * *
Please DO NOT UPLOAD AND DISTRIBUTE "Terminal Compromise"
into your networks unless you intend on paying the recom-
mended fees.
* * * * * * * * * *
"Terminal Compromise" has been used by many schools and universi-
ties as a teaching supplement. Recognized Educational institu-
tions are entitled to use "Terminal Compromise" at NO COST, as
long as you register with us that you are doing so. Please pro-
vide: School name, address, etc., the course, the instructor, and
the reason for using it. Also, we'd like to hear from you and
tell us how it went. Thanks.
SHAREWARE-NOVEL Fees for Local, State and Federal Governments.
You have the money. :-) Please send some back by following
the same fee guidelines as those for businesses.
Government employees: You are The People - same fees are
* * * * * * * * * *
Agencies: Do not upload and distribute "Terminal Compromise"
unless you plan on paying the fees.
* * * * * * * * * * *
NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE Fees for the International Community
Make payments in $US, please.
You can get your copy of Terminal Compromise from a lot of
sites; if you don't see it, just ask around.
It consists of either 2 or 5 files, depending upon how you re-
ceive it. (Details at end of this file.)
Feel free to post all five files of "Terminal Compromise" any-
where on the net or on public or private BBS's as long as this
file accompanies it as well.
Please forward all NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHAREWARE fees to:
11511 Pine St. N.
Seminole, FL., 34642
Phn: 813-393-6600
Fax: 813-393-6361
E-Mail: p00506@psi.com
We will accept checks, money orders, and cash if you must, and we
mean if you must. It's not the smartest thing in the world to
send cash through the mail. We are NOT equipped at this point
for credit cards.
Remember, "Terminal Compromise is copyrighted, and we will vigor-
ously pursue violations of that copyright. (Lawyers made us say
it again.)
If you ABSOLUTELY LOVE "Terminal Compromise," or find that after
50 pages of On-Screen reading, you may want a hard copy for your
bookshelf. It is available from bookstores nationwide for
$19.95, or from Inter.Pact directly for $19.95 + $3.50 shipping
and handling. If you first paid the $ 7 NOVEL-ON-THE-NET SHARE-
WARE fee, send in proof and we'll deduct $ 7 from the price of
the hard copy edition.
ISBN: 0-962-87000-5
Enjoy "Terminal Compromise" and help us make it an easy decision
to put more books on the Global Network.
Thank you in advance for your attention and your consideration.
The Publishers,
"Terminal Compromise" will come to you in one of two ways:
1) Original Distribution Format From Inter.Pact Press contains
only two -2- files.
TC_READ.ME 13,927 Bytes
That is this file you are now reading and gives an overview of
"Terminal Compromise" and how NOVEL-ON-THE-NET Shareware works.
TERMCOMP.ZIP 605,821 Bytes
This is the total content of "Terminal Compromise". Run PKUNZIP
to expand the file into four -4- readable ASCII files.
2) Some locations may choose to post "Terminal Compromise" in
readable ASCII form. There will then be four files in addition
to the TC_READ.ME file.
TERMCOMP.1 250,213 Bytes
contains the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 5.
TERMCOMP.2 337,257 Bytes
contains Chapters 6 through 14.
TERMCOMP.3 363,615 Bytes
contains Chapters 15 through 21.
TERMCOMP.4 388,515 Bytes
contains Chapters 22 through 30 and the Epilogue.
Enjoy "Terminal Compromise!" and pass it on to whomever you
think would enjoy it, too!
Thank You!